Monday, April 5, 2021

What Are Some Requirements To Get A Doctorate In Business Administration?

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In general, you will be required to do well in your undergraduate education, and to likely have a MBA / Masters degree.

You will also have to take a GMAT / GRE to get into Business School programs.

If it were me, I would make sure that you have the chops to do research. This means that you should be able to read a lot, but most importantly, the ability to write a lot. You should be writing about 1-5 pages a day, depending on your schedule as a PhD. You should also be able to think critically as a person.

2. I would also have you think and have a deep discussion with your loved ones about whether a doctorate is right for your family. You have to take this seriously and realize that a doctorate is a difficult degree that will put strain on your family.

3. Finally, I would ask yourself if doing the PhD is what you want to do for the rest of your life. The work that you do within the first year does not change, even when you become a business professor. You will continue on with the same thing going forward.

Check out:

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