Wednesday, November 3, 2021

I am a veteran. How can I identify if I am a 'secured ...

Generally, if you served on active service for over 6 months (i.e. not reservist that was never ever triggered other than for short training u2014 typically) and even one day was in between August 2, 1990, and today, you are a secured veteran. You served throughout a u201 cwar age, u201 d whether you went to a u201 cwar zone u201 d or not is NOT an element (you COULD have actually been sent out at any time – so thank you for putting yourself out there). Vietnam was likewise a war period as was Korea, WWII, and so on. Others are likewise secured that might have served straight in a project even if the nation was not at u201 cwar u201 d as we are now. (Did you attack Grenada, Panama, throughout those problems, and so on?) Take A Look At Title 41 CFR 60.300 for more.
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